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7 Toxic Job Situations Every Side-Hustler Should Beware (or R.I.P. to your business)

For three years, I've been in my business full-time.  

Heading into my fourth year —I decided to take a step back and shift it into part-time. Meanwhile, expand my network and beef-up my skills at a day job (I am a lover of learning and beef, it's worth every calorie). 

I considered it a break from the business of hustling 24/7 on the next thing and the next thing and the next thing. You know what I mean?

Then a couple weeks back, I watched another side-hustler pitch her product to one of the investors from Shark Tank and he wasn't convinced she could juggle a full-time job and her side business —which set off my spidey senses.

I'm guessing, she would looove to leap into her side-hustle full-time. I am also certain her full-time corporate gig help fund the quarter-of-a-million she grossed upfront. She eventually broke down and revealed she had a lot of people depending on her financially, so quitting, at the moment was not a viable option for her. And I'm almost willing to bet, she started this side-hustle as an exit strategy from the corporate hamster wheel.

This episode led me to ponder on the jobs that hurt the growth of my business while I worked there. Although, I disagree with the Shark who adamantly denied one couldn't manage both because I know many women doing it daily (myself included).

That said, I do agree and also know first-hand the impact of having a job that limits the potential growth of yourself while trying to scale a side-hustle. I sashayed from two jobs this year alone for that reason. I mean...gosh, don't we all have horror stories?!

As you probably know, being employed at the wrong daytime grind can be toxic for your health but what about your side-hustle?.

Here Are 7 Toxic Job Situations to Avoid on Your Entrepreneurial Hike up:

1. Beware of Repeatedly Explaining Your Value (Your time is worth more)

Intrapreneurs over-deliver at work.

Mainly because you value increasing your skills —over testing out how often you can get away with appearing busy.

It's "add-the-Guacamole" obvious, you are not like the others. In fact, you stand out like neon lights in a sketchy part of town. If you need to explain what you bring to the table well after the interview process is over...give some thought to what this job may be subtracting from you.

2. Beware of Justifying Your Compensation (Your income stream could dry up)

Money is everything.

When it comes to a company's explicit expression of an employee's value. Now, I am well aware that some companies can't pay you the 150K salary you're worth but they can showcase their investment in you many other ways.

  • Flex time

  • Working remotely

  • Full benefits (not that 80% coverage or pay a provider up front and get a cheque in the mail blasphemy)

  • Autonomy of your role

  • Clear pathway of advancement

  • PAID training opportunities

  • Office snacks and lunches provided

I mean there are so many ways to show they give a flying freak about what you add to the team.

When you settle for less compensation in your full-time that funnels into your side-hustle. You won't raise your fees and then begin to accept barter deals.

3. Beware of Backpacking the Team Across Project Finish Lines (You will feel exploited)

"As a team player, we need you to..." or "We all help each other to get tasks done here." If you've ever heard any of these statements before —fire-up indeed[dot]com.

After decoding the true meaning behind "team player” statements this is what it totals up to "We need you to step-up for the shortfalls in the company." This is draining to a high-performing player. Not only do you have to meet your deliverables you also need to be on top of your colleagues’ roles too.

It's a no bueno for me.

A company that supports its most valuable players also secures a team that complement everyone's skills decreasing the likely-hood of burnout.

4. Beware of Negative Workplace Gossip, Rumors and Hearsay (Your energy levels will plummet)

I've left a job solely because the current employees were speaking negatively of the company and of senior management. Although I found out later the rumors were true, when you start a new job you're still in the honeymoon phase. You're happy that you were hired and looking forward to the experiences you'll gain. While jaded employees are looking at you like fresh bait. Someone to off-load on.

This does no good for your emotional and mental energy levels when your co-workers vomit low and unproductive energy onto you.

I've gone home (on multiple occasions) hoping to work on my business but instead flop on the couch and tune into Keeping up with the Kardashians.

5. Beware of The Supervisor That Downplays Your Achievements (You'll lose the gumption it takes to pitch yourself)

The Supervisors who are no good are the ones who can sniff out ambition beyond a 9-to-5 and remind you —you're still their subordinate.

The ones who repeatedly overlook the extra effort you put into exceeding deliverables. The ones who constantly compare you to other members of the team to belittle you. The ones who take credit for behind the scene contributions. The ones who at every opportunity micromanage your work to feel like they're the one who had a hand in your success.

Avoid these supervisors.

They will have you questioning your skills and you will take fewer risks within your side-hustle.

6. Beware When Professional Development at the Company * whispers * is Only an Urban Legend (You'll be unprepared to compete with the market)

This is the most toxic situation of them all. When professional development is blocked or prevented at the company.

If anyone attempts to stunt your growth. Don't be afraid to walk away.

Time is a nonrenewable resource. You don't get that back once it's gone. And if you're planning on making something...anything of yourself —your future is on the line.

7. Beware of Performance Reviews That are Used as a Tool to Dial Back Your Confidence (Your self-esteem will take a hit)

Tread as lightly as a new diet plan here.

Anything written down is a paper document that speaks to your work and professionalism. If you feel at any point you are being depicted unfairly in this process speak up. Unconscious bias can rear its ugly head here. Then before you know it —you're doubting yourself instead of the system that fuels it. Don't believe what is being said or perceived about you.

When you know your worth. At the bare minimum, speak up for yourself.

As for the side-hustler Keisha Jeremie of the applesauce startup, Sanaia, she snagged a deal with Mark Cuban but it was not without reservation. However because she had a day job she had to hire a COO alongside a small team to help push her side-hustle forward.

Not everyone can go full-time in their business but we can eliminate the toxicity we sometimes face in a job en route to our dream.

If selected incorrectly, it can be a slingshot of grief to our self-esteem, energy level, amount of time left for the business and the gumption to persist. Don't let toxic situations in your full-time job jeopardize the future of your business direction or mission for advancement.

Tell me, what toxic job situation(s) did you face? Any of the above?

Comment below.

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