Email Challenge to #3 on Amazon's Best-Sellers List (Real Quick)
You want whatever you create...
People gobble up & scream "Take my money".
And have better copy than "Buy my stuff."
Just a guess...
The last piece of content you wrote was for Facebook or Twitter, huh?
You must want the overwhelm to be worth it, don't you?
You must want to stop overthinking "Post with a picture or without"? Or quit winging it, am I right?
It will make you go mad!
Owning the masters to something that you can convert, over and over again, should be the goal.
Marketing your stuff doesn't have to be icky, "salesy" or feel like a sharp icepick between the eyes.
Instead, picture this.
You run a 5-day challenge and your email list bursts at the seams.
Congratulations, you just found out what your audience craves...time to milk it.
(We learned in the last challenges can be one hell of a lead magnet).
Let's say you're trying to sell a coaching program at $1200. Someone finds your ebook on Amazon through your email list or it came highly recommended and they purchase it for .99 cents.
It doesn't faze you because you only made .99 cents.
Couple days later someone inquires about your services and when you ask "Where did you find me?" they may say, your ebook or your email list. That .99 cents just turned into $1200. And becomes a repeatable process.
Now there are a few more steps in between to insert that I've left out, like marketing, having a sales funnel, blah blah blah --but you get it. Right?
Here's how my client, Julie, took the same email challenge of over 400 participants to #3 on Amazon's Happiness, Best Sellers List, 24hrs after it published. *wipes sweat*
1. She branded herself as an industry influencer
This immediately sets you apart from those who talk about being a best-seller, and being one. All her valuable pieces of nuggets are in that ebook. Go buy it if you want to Live a Fun, Fearless & Radically Intentional Life.
2. She tested the waters BEFORE creating a full-blown product
She didn't say: "Hey, you know what would be cool! To self-publish & launch to nobody." She tested it first to see if there was a need, THEN launched.
3. She made her offer insanely irresistible
Got financial fears? Read it. Can't manifest a vanilla ice cream? Read it. Don't want to use Tinder to find a husband? Read. It.
There are 5-days worth of bite-sized snacks of manifesting magic for you to devour.
4. She made her lead magnet, easily digestible
Email challenge turned ebook challenge.
A super simple guide to making you a believer of getting what you really want out of life.
5. She had strong calls-to-action
Every day of the challenge urged you to take action in your life. Small enough that you'll do it and rich enough to ponder on massive shifts.
If you take what is already doing well in your business and turn it into evergreen content (timeless) like a course, ebook or product; generating leads online has the potential to transform your selling power.
So stop procrastinating as you get closer to the big stuff, start solving problems your audience would happily throw money at you to solve.
You can be more than "Buy my stuff!"
Ever considered packaging your expertise? I can help.