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Everyday Hustling? 2 Things You Should Remember.

Why do you get up every day and go to your day job? Why do you do that work every day?

No, I'm not going to give you a lecture on having a job. Nor will I dig into you for not working for yourself full-time...yet.


I'm honestly curious.

I play hooky from my biz sometimes.

I work a lot. Understatement.

The hours in the day are filled with me plotting on how to take over the world, regularly. The "normal" routine of hanging out at home and winding down after work by watching tv with my not my norm. (Sorry boo)

I'm usually typing away or planning or studying. Oh yea, I'm in school too.


My days are hectic and very busy. If it's not me being a lady boss, it's being an F/T I.T. student or on occasion...somebody's mama.

I prefer to keep myself occupied than sit and stew in boredom. As I grow and stretch myself — what I used to consider exciting, now is like watching paint dry but I digress.


With all that YOU undertake in a day...what keeps you going?

What is your WHY?


This is one of the most important questions you will ever ask yourself. And if you don't have a clear answer, you've got some homework to do.

I have talked with many women around this subject. Most of them want to have the freedom to get up every morning and do what they love.

Ask them what steps they're taking daily to accomplish this goal. And either they don't know how to answer or they don't understand the question.


If you struggle with what daily action you should be taking then most likely, you will struggle on the days that become overwhelming along the journey.

  • You will need something to cling to
  • You will have to put things in place that will get you back in your genius zone
  • You will need the support to get you back on track

I cannot count the number of times I've quit in my head. Some days are more overwhelming than others, but magically, I push through them. On the not so great days, I cry through them. Either way, I get through it.


Here's the thing.

If you want to have the freedom to get up every morning and do what you love, you will need a big, personal WHY. And your big WHY should be about much more than money. Or sticking it, to a shitty boss. Or leaving a wack job. Or sheer boredom.

It will need to be stronger than that. Or you will create excuses of why it's okay to still be there. (I certainly did)

It should be something that will WAKE you up every morning. (no alarm clock required) Something that will help you to hold on through the tough times. Something that will inspire and drive you beyond today.

Working for yourself is great but it has its own set of challenges. And if you don't have a powerful fundamental reason for going down this path, it won't be long before you look for another one.


Cling to the things that give you joy.


Owning my beach house on an island is one of them.

But after that, I dream of a brighter future. One filled with more access, options and choices for myself and those I support. Money is the currency but investing in your personal growth is pinnacle -- to future success.

That never goes down in value. No funding can ever run out. There is always room in the budget.

You are the product.


The more I invest in myself the more I have to give to others. I always want to be in a position to put people on. #Goals

My daughter gets to reap the reward of it all...and take care of me when I'm older. Lol, I'm retiring in that beach house!

Every day I take a step in the direction of my goals. I'm that much closer to letting the universe know.

I'm not playing.


Every once in awhile I need a freebie day. To not have to think about work, constantly. To let go and just enjoy the warm sunny weather and not feel guilty.

Sure, I will have to make up for the work missed but what I gained from the little space I take for myself...means so much more.

On the grind for more. Two things you should absolutely remember.


Always take time out for yourself and know your "WHY".


If you're not sure what it is yet, take some time and really think about it.

But think about it.

That is what gives you the untouchable je ne sais quoi endurance.


When's the last time you took time out from your biz and what did you do?

Let me know in the comments below.