3 Rules To Break If Your Bio is Still Waiting to Exhale — She is Epic, Inc | Web Content Writer

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3 Rules To Break If Your Bio is Still Waiting to Exhale


You know the scene in the movie of Waiting to Exhale, when Angela Bassett sets her ex-husband's car on fire and sashay's towards her million-dollar mansion?

That's how your bio should read, dangerous and fierce.

waiting to exhale bonfire

This is probably the most important document you'll ever write.

Next to a fake doctor's note and a Dear John letter.

All short bio's are not created equal and depending on where you're going to use this baby, determines your cadence and sharing factor.

But for your relevance & quick read...

Narrow down the places that require a mini "about me" then think of this article, as your guideline to writing the battle cry for attracting like minds.

From guest posting, podcast interviews and networking cred.

In order for your short bio to rise from the ashes than be burned by boredom. It will require a little more than credential clout.

It requires likeability.

And to do that, it should always include YOU & your message.

You can't take a pass on this.

These days you need a bio for everrrything, from social media to your website and media releases.

Here's how to go from writing like a robot clone to a real live human in your short bio.

how to write a short bio

Break Rule #1 > You Only Need An About Me Page

*Clears throat* You need 3 types of About Me's.

Your social media micro one-liners, "Hello, it's me!" --blog byline and "Here's why I have a website and you're here" --long story.

Micro: usually used on social media profiles Short: usually used as your guest posting byline Long: usually used on your website about me page

Social Media Micro One Liners: Think 140 characters small (Twitter bio & chat intro's, Instagram, LinkedIn headline, Facebook profile). Where emoji's are your friend.


Business Coach Helping Women Quit Their Jobs & Travel the World ✈ Location-Independent ✌ Island Girl ☀ Minimalist ☮ Join My FREE Tribe - @happyblackwoman

Masters of Education holder and 2016 savage. Kickboxing, scribbling and yoga are my weapons of choice against idle behavior. - @casi_not_cassie

Author of bestseller DO COOL SH*T, CEO & Co-Founder of THINX. Dreamer. Seeker. - @twinmiki

My Creative Connection is the home for #blkcreatives. Storytelling, community + resources to help us do the (Inner) work by @Melissa_Kimble.

Hello, it's me! Blog Byline: A website visitor drops by your blog for the first time, how do you introduce yourself + how you help?

Patrice Perkins
Patrice Perkins


Here's Why I Have a Website and You're Here --Long Story Page: Regardless of popular belief, your About Me page is not about you.

Not one inch of it.

Not a penny or a nickel.

It's about your uncommon approach to your dreamy clientele's persistent pain. More about this later...

Check Out What She Did:

"I’LL WARN YOU: I’M A WOMAN WHO GOES ALL THE WAY. You might end up liking me, or you might not, but one thing is for sure: You won’t be disappointed when I take your business all the way with me.

I’m what you’d consider a high profile, zero nonsense business model expert who specializes in high voltage profit generation for small businesses who are at the sink or swim, do or die stage.

Why? One reason: Because broke is a dirty word and not having enough clients is unacceptable. There are billions of people around the globe, plenty of them with enough money to give to you. My job is to analyze why they aren’t — and then promptly fix it."...

- @rebeccatdickson

how to write a short bio


Break Rule #2 > Write in 3rd person

This one is so hard.

And such an easy trap to fall into.

Many platforms require the third person approach BUT this is the best chance you got at standing out.

You know who created this rule, right? Journalist & reporters.

It's their standard tone of voice when reporting events and news. Which I'm guessing, you don't do these things.

Besides the awkwardness of reading someone's bio in third person, there is also a certain sense of detachment you feel. It begs the question if someone else wrote it.

Then you start to wonder are they approachable?

And would they answer my email if I wanted to hire them?

how to write a short bio

Third person language is the most popular way to write a short bio for guest posting, but it puts most people to sleep or they just gloss over it.

Neither one of those things we want.

So the tone preferred by readers is 1st person because with 1st person, we're having a conversation and with 3rd person, you & Tennile will converse.

See the difference?

*I must confess. If you've been following me for awhile or read any of my published features...you'll see I've used 3rd person before. I'm not proud of this. Just want you to know, that's in the past now.


Break Rule #3 > Include Your Full Professional Background

I know you want to show you're legit and could do what you do with your eyes close.

But here's the thing.

Nobody cares about your credentials IF you've properly articulated two things.

1) You understand your audience 2) You have the antidote to their problems

Let's say you had a massive migraine preventing you from crushing your checklist and I said:

"I know the feeling. It's like a ton of pulsing bricks on your head. Take these 2 pills and I promise before lunch, not only will you conquer those tasks but have a scheduled mani/pedi."

You would take the 2 pills because I get it & have the remedy minus the M.D.

Remember your bio is dynamic and a working document. It's constantly evolving and should reflect the stage your biz is at. How it reads today will be flipped on it's back tomorrow and that's okay!

how to write a short bio

You don't need a double shot of patience, you need a strategy.

When writing your next short bio consider breaking the rules and find your zone, where you can exhale (or wine. Wine will help loosen you up).